Praise for Cellostart
"If you teach cello, read Cellostart. From the essential practical advice and many wonderful exercises to the core concepts of cello technique and philosophical underpinnings of Suzuki pegagogy, this book should be read cover to cover and then kept handy as a reference."
Benjamin Wyatt, D.M.A
School for Strings Cello Teacher Training Seminar participant
Faculty, Renaissance Music Academy, Blacksburg VA
"What a treasure of knowledge and insight! Ms Devenport has figured out how to approach cello teaching in clear and precise steps that work with students at all levels. Her book, in my opinion, is a must for all teachers."
Martha Gershefski
Teacher of the Year
Georgia State University Cello Faculty
"Cellostart is a well organized, practical guidebook full of everything a novice needs to know to better understand the cello and enhance practices. It's like having your cello instructor available to you 24/7!"
Tracy Finley
Parent of Cello Student
"A most valuable resource with answers to all your teaching questions, and more!"
Carey Beth Hockett
Registered Teacher Trainer
Suzuki Association of the Americas
European Suzuki Association
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